Enema Products

Regular enemas can improve your health in so many ways. By ridding your colon of toxins and getting your elimination system moving again, they can give you a whole new lease of life. Perhaps you appreciate the benefits but are apprehensive about using them.

Dont worry, theyre easy to administer. With the right enema products you can do the whole thing yourself at home in your bathroom. So what do you need?

Enemas come in three main forms - pump, open, and closed.

The most basic pump systems are bulb enemas that you can buy in your local chemist shop or online. These are low capacity and are easy to administer. For serious colon cleansing, you need a gravity fed system that can handle higher water volumes.

Examples of open type are gravity-fed enemas. These are containers that come with a hook to hang them up at a suitable level. A hose then lets the water flow down to its destination controlled by a clamp or tap.

You can get the containers in a variety of sizes and materials. Plastic is a popular choice of material as you can easily see the volume of water inside. Also it can be easily folded up for storage or travel.

Closed types are similar to open systems. One main difference is that water pressure can by adjusted by external pressure on the bag.

Other than the enemas themselves, you can also buy accessories such as nozzles, tubing, clamps, and so on.

Moreover, if you want to take your colon cleansing experience to a new level you can invest in a colema board. This is a device especially designed to offer you a colonic in your own bathroom. It rests on your toilet and a chair providing a comfortable space to lie on. You simply attach the tube from your water container to the bottom of the board. Then you attach the rectal nozzle to that. Other than providing a more comfortable experience, the colema board can handle up to 20 litres of water.

Enemas are at the heart of any holistic health system. Done regularly, they remove toxins, promote inner harmony, and bring balance to your system. And with some simple enema products, you can easily do the whole thing at home.

If you're ready to start on the natural way to wellness, call Shanti Village on 07 34659782.