Intestinal Parasites

Most people are horrified at the thought of intestinal parasites. But they're more common than you might think due to the modern lifestyle.

In particular, poor eating habits have made many people prone to digestive problems such as constipation. When your digestive system is clogged and sluggish, it becomes the perfect home for worms and other parasites. The consequences for you health can be dire.

The species of parasite that can infest our systems can number up to 300. Some such as yeasts and amoeba are tiny unicellular organisms. Others such as tapeworms can grow up to three metres in length. What they have in common is that they feed on your nutrients thus depriving you of nourishment, and they deposit their waste in your body in the form of toxins.

Clearly it's in your best interest to get rid of these intestinal parasites as quickly as possible.

How Do You Know You're Infested?

The symptoms are many and varied, occurring both is the gut and systemically. Here are the most common.

  • Stool showing parasites, mucus of blood.
  • Gas, bloating or abdominal pain.
  • Fatigue and listlessness.
  • Brain fog.
  • Loss of appetite or nausea.
  • diarrhoea

These are also symptoms of other conditions, but if you suffer from any of them it is a cause for concern.

Natural Treatments for Intestinal Parasites

Your pharmacy offers many cures for parasites but it's wiser to seek natural therapies. For one thing, antibiotics can cause problems of their own by destroying friendly intestinal flora. In addition, they cannot deal with all types of parasite.

By using natural methods, not only will they deal with any infestation in your gut, they'll also help create a healthy environment that's hostile to parasites.

Natural methods should always start with a colon cleanse to boost the health of the lower intestine. Then you begin intensive herbal therapy. Your treatment should be supported with a regimen of dietary supplements including vitamins and minerals especially zinc. Regular does of probiotics encourage the growth of good intestinal flora.

If you suspect you're infested with intestinal parasites, you need to take action fast. Contact your natural health specialist for advice.

If you're ready to start on the natural way to wellness, call Shanti Village on 1300 225 352.

If might come as a shock to you to learn you could benefit from parasite treatments. But the sad fact is that most of us suffer from parasites to some degree.

Parasites simply mean organisms that live in your body and feed off you. Naturally, your digestive system is the place most prone to parasites as this is the area richest in nutrients.

Most of us house parasites to some degree whether they be amoeba, tapeworms or liver flukes. One especially common parasite is Candida alb cans. This is a yeast that can mutate into a fungus.

Most of us have some Candida in our intestinal tracts and for the most part it causes no problems as it's kept in check by friendly bacteria. However sometime an imbalance occurs and Candida flourishes with dire consequences.

Common symptoms of parasite infestation include abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite, and the presence of parasites in the stool.

Whatever kind of parasites are causing you grief, you can avail yourself of a range of parasite treatments to eliminate the problem.

Parasite Cleanse Options

As with so many health matters, natural is best when it comes to parasite cleanse. That's because the antibiotics traditionally prescribed can also kill off the friendly bacteria in our systems. The resulting imbalance means that often that the parasites soon return. Chemical drugs also tend to have side effects

The good news is that you can find many a natural parasite killer that can safely remove them from your body. You should always start your parasite cleanse treatment with a colon cleanse to restore health to your lower intestine. Then you can begin a regimen of herbal parasite cleansers along with pro biotics and a range of supporting micronutrients such as vitamins and the mineral zinc.

Parasite Products

If you're looking for the right parasite products for your special needs, get in touch with the experts at Shanti Village. We can you recommend the most suitable parasite killer that can help restore your health and vitality.

If you're ready to start on the natural way to wellness, call Shanti Village on 07 34659782.