Hair analysis, find out what's wrong with you with simple and painless hair tests.

hair analysisHair Analysis is becoming increasingly popular in health checks these days because of the results they achieve. To better understand this we must consider traditional forms of diagnosis. One meets with there health practitioner and through a volume of questions and observations the practitioner makes decisions about your health. This form of triage is a valuable time honoured method of diagnosis. However, with increased access to medical laboratories and techniques of analysis much more information about your health can be obtained and reported on.

Information about your metabolism, circulation, mineral deficiencies or toxicity can be documented and used as a guide to make clear choices about how to improve your health.

Don't wait, get a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis now.

What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis or short Hair Analysis?

To further understand Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and the value of it we must first understand that Minerals are essential for healing, vitality, wellbeing and growth.

Minerals give strength to bones and teeth, and they maintain the body's functions and water balance as well as nerve conduction, muscle contractions and the functions of enzymes. A balanced diet should be enough to provide us with all of the minerals we need. But who has a balanced diet, or even a regular one in many cases?

In our current environment the mineral content in foods is often reduced because of modern farming techniques and the use of chemical fertilisers. Our soil is depleted Other environmental toxins and chemical food additives combined stressful lifestyles have a clear and well documented detrimental effect on our nutritional status.

With this in mind, testing and monitoring our nutritional status-makes good sense.

Mineral imbalance is commonplace and hair analysis is a testing system that measures the mineral composition of hair. With this kind of data deficiencies and mineral imbalances are easily detected and interpreted. When combined with the questions and observations of your health practitioner this analytical mechanism becomes a powerful tool in the identification of health issues in patients.

What hair should I test?

Hair follicles are formed in clusters of cells in the skin. Of course the head creates different types of hair follicles than other parts of the body because the skin is different. But it is the hair that is the same, at least as regards to the storage of information about minerals and other determining factors.

The hair tells the same story from any part of the body. This is because it is exposed to information from all functions of the body during its formation. The metabolic system, circulation of the blood and other lymphatic markers, all leave a trace signature of  the period in which the hair grew. Therefore it is important to get hair which has been recently grown. For men the beard is perfect as it grows fast. Pubic hair or chest hair is also good. You should not mix different types of hair. If your hair is longer, cut it first to about 5cm length, than cut it off and send it to the lab.

Why does my body get depleted of minerals?

The number one reason is that we do not get enough minerals from our diet. Poor eating habits, excessive intake of nutritionally deficient foods like alcohol. Stress from external sources or emotionally stressful situations all serve to deplete our mineral balance. Stress is a common cause and many people in society understand this concept and have replaced soft drinks with designer energy drinks loaded with Zinc and Vitamin B in order to cope with the stressful life styles they live.

There are any number of mineral depleting or limiting practices and substances that we are exposed to in our modern lifestyle including medications. Often medications we receive bring toxins into the body or increase the expulsion of needed minerals like sodium, or potassium. Even aspirin leads to vitamin and mineral loss in our bodies. Pollution has a major affect on us and toxic sources of lead and other metals creep into our system at an alarming rate through any number of products we buy and use.

What is actually reported on in my Hair tests?

The report format uses graphic illustration to convey the results of mineral levels in the system. There are 36 essential and toxic minerals shown and the range and the level is depicted by a graph showing the amounts. Metabolic and trace mineral patterns can then be noted and analysed by your practitioner who can in turn make recommendations on how to change the existing balance to one more in line with optimal health standards.

This is a powerful tool especially in the long term as tests can be taken each year and comparative studies by your practitioner can be made. Comparative studies clearly chart your progress in any health assessment being undertaken. They also give your practitioner more information about the affects of previous recommendations. And whether or not these recommendations are working for you or not.

To purchase a hair analysis go to the Wellbeing Marketplace

What elements exactly does the hair tests show?

Non-toxic elements:

  • Bismuth
  • Cobalt
  • Calcium
  • Boron
  • Germanium
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Gold
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium
  • Lithium
  • Platinum
  • Phosphorus
  • Molybdenum
  • Selenium
  • Rubidium
  • Potassium
  • Silicon
  • Sulphur
  • Sodium
  • Vanadium
  • Titanium
  • Tin
  • Zinc
Toxic Elements:
  • Antimony
  • Aluminium
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Beryllium
  • Cadmium
  • Lead
  • Nickel
  • Mercury
  • Silver
  • Strontium
  • Thallium
  • Tungsten
  • Uranium

Many ask why we should test at all?

The building blocks for living tissues are rooted in the chemical exchanges that occur in our bodies, these exchanges supplemented by vitamins, trace elements and minerals of all types are essential in normal body function. If we know where the deficiencies lie through the mechanism of analysis we can counter act imbalances which ultimately benefit the body. It is the mineral nutrition needs of our body specifically, that we need to know clear information about if we are to set targets for optimal health.