Activated liquid Zeolite to naturally remove Heavy metals and toxins and at the same time acting as natural cellular defense.

liquid zeoliteWhat a statement! What on earth does it mean? I asked myself. You see our philosophy here at Shanti Villiage is to know and use the products before recommending them on our web site, we research and find the best value product in any category before offering it to our clients.

I heard of amazing results from people who used activated liquid zeolite for detoxification. So I needed to know.
Buy liquid Zeolite, to reduce your toxic load

My concerns about Zeolite

I looked at the phrase "Activated Liquid Zeolite will naturally remove heavy metals and toxins and at the same time acting as natural cellular defense" and several questions arouse immediately.

  • What is liquid zeolite?
  • What is the difference between zeolite and an activated zeolite?
  • What heavy metal needs to be removed from the body?
  • What is natural cellular defense as opposed to un-natural cellular defense?

You see these days everything is word play, the alternative medicine industry is rife with statements that people do not understand, but repeat. Many people miss out on the benefits of products simply because there is hype involved and they do not understand what is inferred by a products name. So they choose not to use the product.
Zeolite is one of those products. I did a vast amount of research into the subject and visited a number of links to information which I found to be astounding. I was able to locate only a few published papers on the subject as most of the information was published by companies with information about there product.
The complexity of the subject is far from agreed upon by all parties involved. Each product makes claims, that make their product, stand out from the other. Special features and patents, or patented processes which exclude the rest of the market place. It took some time to get to the bottom of the plethora of information on the subject.
Detoxification is our main concern at Shanti Village and we have been offering information on Detox far longer than almost anyone else on the net. Around since 1998 our site has always been free and has been updated countless times with new information. Each of our products following a strict criteria.

  • What part of the detoxification process will it assist?
  • How is this product safe for human consumtion?
  • Are the products claims legitimate?
  • Is the potency the same as other products?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How does it compare against other products in price and quality?

We try to have the most up to date information on the net when it comes to detox. Detox seems to be the latest word in the health industry due to a number of best selling books. The word is so common place now a computer software company is selling detox programs for the cookies that we receive on our internet browsers. More jargon gone wrong.

What is liquid zeolite?

To make a long story short the difference between zeolite and activated liquid zeolite is a process of heating the micronized zeolite powder in laboratory conditions. This process is also called colloidal suspension. The process cleans out the pouches or cages that absorb the toxins. When zeolites are mined the cages are full with local toxins. So zeolite is only fit to act as an absorption mechanism for humans after it has been clean out through this process.

Zeolites are minerals that have a specific crystal superstructure and occur naturally in volcanic rock formations. They are natural purifiers. Many people have wells for ground water harvesting in locations where basalt is common to benefit from this natural phenominum. In fact quality mineral water companies advertise the locations of there wells based on the natural purifying affects of the rock formations in which the water is extracted. Zeolites work in a similar way. The honeycomb shaped cavities and crevaces act to trap metal and toxins in our body at a cellular level.

They work at a cellular level because we absorb the zeolite like Salt or Zinc are absorbed into the body. The one specific item that makes Zeolite different from other minerals is that it contains a negative charge as opposed to nearly all other minerals which have a positive charge. This negative charge creates a magnetic effect which attracts the positively charged metals which in turn are trapped in honeycombed shaped crevaces of the zeolites composition.
Once these zeolite cages are full, the body eliminates them because they contain both positive and negaitive charges and the body decides that they have no place in the system. They are then flushed out through the urinary tract and colon without putting any strain on the Liver or Kidney.
Zeolite is simply a mineral which has a specific affect, like any other mineral.

Buy liquid Zeolite, to reduce your toxic load

Liquid Zeolite also has a lot of research about helping extremely well with epithelial cell cancers. We recommend you do your own research on this as we can't officially talk about it.

The difference between Zeolites

Next there is a question about the potency being the same as other products in the market place. This was a tough question to answer, with most companies their promotional material did not address such questions. When approached many of the companies fell back on the old proprietary information routine where this information was not available to the public and protected by patents and so on.
So this call I have made myself, using my training knowledge and common sense as a guideline. As with all minerals and supplements, dosages are mostly decided by volume. Take zinc for example 1000 microgram tablets have more of the mineral than 250 microgram tablets. Zinc potency is determined by mineral content which there are standards for. You cant call a mineral zinc if most of its constiuent parts are copper. So with minerals like zeolite the same resoning applies. There is no proof that any companiy has better quality activated zeolite than the other.
Another important question was cost in comparison with other products. Our research led us to an Australian company. This is not because we are an Australian company but more over because Zeo Nutrient + sells there activated australian zeolite suspended in a liquid that also contains Vitamins A & E. Important supplements to have during the detoxification process. They have one of the best prices for Zeolite which is much lower than any of its American counterparts.

In the end I went and tried a variety of US and Australian Zeolites. Basically all of them work. But some felt energetically stronger than others. I know only recommend the liquid zeolite from Australian as I get excellent results with my clients.
And Australian mined Zeolite is still one of the cleanest on the planet.

How to use Liquid Zeolite

So how to use liquid zeolite and what are the benefits?
If you do a little bit of research on activated zeolite you probably have come across all sorts of claims people make. Officially all that can be said to stay within government guidelines is that zeolite is a mineral liquid. Meaning officially no claims can be made. From my personal experience and the experience of my clients I can report that most people feel an increase in energy, especially chronic fatigue clients.

I also had Hair Analysis done before and after taking zeolite and a definite decrease in all heavy metals has occurred. For a full heavy metal cleanse you need to take the drops for 9 month, as the metals are first released from your fat tissue, than from your muscle tissue and last from your bone tissue, which holds metals like Uranium.

Some clients of mine had great results with taking zeolite for herpes and other viral infections.

How to use zeolite:
you can expect detox reactions like headaches and increased thirst, depending how sensitive you are. Therefore I suggest people starting with 1 drop 1x day and slowly increasing up to 15 drops 3x a day.

Where to buy liquid Zeolite

Zeolite powder is great to use externally as a mudpack or in a bath! Tip: try it as a hair pack and be amazed at the result.